What on Earth do lasers have to do with orthodontics??
Lasers have actually been used in medical and dental offices for many years. Common uses you may have heard of are to treat cold sores or resolve lip and tongue ties.
At Graf Orthodontics, these concentrated beams of energy can provide faster orthodontic treatment for you!
Some benefits and uses for this nearly painless procedure:
- Removes specific oral soft tissues in a quick, clean, non-invasive way.
- No shots needed and no bleeding!
- Any mild discomfort post-procedure can be easily managed with Ibuprofen or Tylenol
- Helps us expose stubborn permanent teeth, making it possible to place brackets sooner.
- Create a more aesthetic, uniform gumline.
- And so much more! Just ask us!
Over the summer we upgraded our laser to the new Opal Gemini and could not be more pleased with this faster, smoother, and more efficient machine. Not to mention it looks pretty darn awesome!
Try to spot it at your next appointment!
I've witnessed the laser work it's magic first hand! Awesome technology!